Animmersion UK is continuing its long association with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) by creating an exciting multiplayer interactive quiz, complete with seven new mini games, to promote critical careers across Scotland.

The interactive quiz, Classroom Clash, is an addition to SDS’ My World of Work Live Programme. With fun, interactive activities delivered through live events in schools and online through virtual sessions, My World of Work Live aims to inspire young people, helping them understand future careers and opportunities.

Classroom Clash is delivered by expert My World of Work Live advisers to pupils in schools across Scotland who compete in team-based quizzes on a variety of career sectors, interspersed with bonus rounds where players aim to get the highest score for their team in an exciting mini game.

The interactive mini games are designed to engage and inspire students to consider a future career within key sectors for economic growth in Scotland, including computing and ICT, construction and building, engineering, healthcare, social work and caring services. They add to an expanding catalogue of My World of Work Live activities which provide SDS advisors and teachers an inspiring foundation for other classroom careers guidance.

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The Middlesbrough-based company has worked closely with SDS during the pandemic to provide ways to deliver Classroom Clash face to face, on tablet devices in classrooms, and through a variety of remote online sessions on Windows’s PCs.

SDS aims to improve the response of education, training, and careers services to the needs of employers and ensure young people have the best chance of succeeding in the world of work by exploring their options and helping them understand the wide range of future careers and opportunities available.

Each game is designed to encourage students to consider the skills they possess and how these relate to each career, while introducing some of the tasks and opportunities within these sectors.

For example, those playing the childcare game earn points by considering children’s moods and selecting an activity that makes them happy, while the cyber security game involves selecting the correct anti-virus tools capable of deflecting incoming viruses.

In the advanced manufacturing game, players build a Mars rover in an advanced manufacturing facility by attaching the correct components at exactly the right time to speed up a conveyor belt, while the object of the green energy game is to lower your carbon footprint by installing a range of energy saving measures to a house.
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Teachers can learn more about My World of Work Live and access a wide range of learning resources to support career education on My World of Work.

A spokesperson for SDS said: “The sectors represented in our latest My World of Work Live activity, Classroom Clash, offer exciting career opportunities and our work with Animmersion has provided a fun and engaging way to bring the world of work to life for pupils as they pupils explore them.”

Samuel Harrison, managing director of Animmersion UK, said: “We are proud to have worked with SDS since 2016 on a variety of projects, all designed to underpin its immersive digital careers experience.

“Animmersion UK continues to develop innovative and responsive methods that allow SDS to fully engage with young people through the delivery of key educational messages and information about career options and opportunities against the background of a rapidly changing world of work.”

In 2017, SDS won the UK Development Award for Best Use of Technology in Career Development for three-mini games developed by Animmersion UK which used Virtual Reality to highlight career opportunities within the construction industry.

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